Adelaide Mystery School

Toni Le Brun

My first healing experience occurred when I finally found the courage (after 6 months pursuing the brochure and returning it to a safe place) to have a crystal healing. The session was profound; I couldn’t believe the feeling of peace and serenity. I could not feel my physical body. I was floating; I was seeing colours and images not of this dimension.

I gained my Reiki Level 1 and 2 certificates in 1992 and in 1993 joined the Metaphysical Studies centre in Adelaide where I studied physic development, numerology, tarot, and hands on healing.

On completion of my studies at the centre, my thirst for anything relating to metaphysics became a passion I wanted to experience and learn more. My request was heard when one of my teachers at the centre and a fellow student ( Cheryl Rae ) were guided to work together. We met every week for over a decade meditating receiving guidance, channellings and healings from Spirit Guides and Masters. We were also guided to provide Spiritual Healings to the general public I had found my calling.

I studied crystal healing, magnetic healing, dynamic body healing, chronic healing, worked with an Native American Indian Medicine Man participant in sweat lodges and medicine wheels, Shell essences and just recently completed Level 1 in Australia bush flower essences.
Toni loves the sea and has a strong affinity with the earth energies and all of her creatures. She currently resides in Tumby Bay and travels to Adelaide regularly to facilitate Spiritual Healing Basic afternoon workshops at the Adelaide Mystery School and Individual Healing sessions.


Course Toni facilitates at the Adelaide Mystery School: Spiritual Healing Afternoons

Individual Consultations Toni offers are:  Individual Spiritual Healing Sessions