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Adelaide Mystery School – Mediumship and Psychic Training
Adelaide Mystery School

Adelaide Mystery School

Mediumship and Psychic Training

Individual Consults

Newsletter Sign up

Contact Us


NEW in 2024 ‘Spirit Speak’ Podcasts

Cheryl shares all about the Spirit World around and within us and how to connect with this world.   COMING SOON!

 Mediumship/Psychic ~ Unavailable 2024 due Heart Failure from Covid

Updating availability information Here November 2024 

Psychic & Mediumship Readings with Cheryl Rae

Mediumship Readings are for those who wish to connect with loved ones who have passed over.  Endeavoring to provide evidence such as how they passed or names, dates and information unique to the loved one.  Even more so to convey their messages, love and insights gleaned through their continuing presence with sensitivity and respect.   Please Note I cannot guarantee who will come through on the day

Psychic Readings offer insight into you, others, situations and your life path, past, present and future.

Initially preferring to ‘tune in’myself from your birth to the path you are ‘choosing’ at the moment, the focuss then shifts more specifically to what you want from the reading, answering questions or looking at areas of life you wish to gain insight into.

My approach is down to earth and I conduct readings with sensitivity and compassion, ultimately focussing on inspiring clients as to the future possibilities and potential within themselves, and their life.

For over the phone readings I am able to tune into your voice and give equally comprehensive insight on people, situations or events around you.

 Mediumship/Psychic READINGS unavailable due Heart failure from covid! Updating availability Nov 2024

Session Duration: 40 minutes

Location: 9 Moreland Avenue Mitchell Park, South Australia

Cost$150.00 (including MP3 recording of the session)

Click here for Information & Bookings.

Having spent a lifetime studying and teaching the esoteric, my own ‘Mystery School’ experiences were times of profound growth, healing and empowerment.  Latent psychic mediumship gifts blossomed, my perceptions broadened and I became in awe and humbled by the potential within us all, and the reality we exist within  Cheryl Rae, Founding Director

Adelaide Mystery School seeks to assist all who wish to develop their Psychic and Mediumship abilities into their fullness and foster Spiritual Development, and unconditional love and healing for all

The school is devoted to the study, exploration, training and practice of  the natural, innate Psychic, Mediumship and Spirit within and around us all.

Promoting values of Spirituality, it welcomes the truths of all spiritual traditions and each individual, encouraging unconditional love, respect and compassion for everyone.

Through Courses, Workshops, Individual Consultations and sharing Spiritual and Psychic knowledge, wisdom and techniques, we also endeavor to foster greater understanding of the broader areas of human consciousness and potential, and the reality we exist within.

Beyond courses, Adelaide Mystery School seeks to be a rich life experience that can open your heart, expand your mind and allow your spirit to soar.

Individual Consults



NEW in 2024 ‘Spirit Speak’ Podcasts

Cheryl shares all about the Spirit World around and within us and how to connect with this world.   COMING SOON!

 Mediumship/Psychic ~ Unavailable 2024 due Heart Failure from Covid

Updating availability information Here November 2024 


Psychic & Mediumship Readings with Cheryl Rae

Mediumship Readings are for those who wish to connect with loved ones who have passed over.  Endeavoring to provide evidence such as how they passed or names, dates and information unique to the loved one.  Even more so to convey their messages, love and insights gleaned through their continuing presence with sensitivity and respect.   Please Note I cannot guarantee who will come through on the day

Psychic Readings offer insight into you, others, situations and your life path, past, present and future.

Initially preferring to ‘tune in’myself from your birth to the path you are ‘choosing’ at the moment, the focuss then shifts more specifically to what you want from the reading, answering questions or looking at areas of life you wish to gain insight into.

My approach is down to earth and I conduct readings with sensitivity and compassion, ultimately focussing on inspiring clients as to the future possibilities and potential within themselves, and their life.

For over the phone readings I am able to tune into your voice and give equally comprehensive insight on people, situations or events around you.

 Mediumship/Psychic READINGS unavailable due Heart failure from covid! Updating availability Nov 2024

Session Duration: 40 minutes

Location: 9 Moreland Avenue Mitchell Park, South Australia

Cost$150.00 (including MP3 recording of the session)

Click here for Information & Bookings.


 Mediumship/Psychic ~ FULL for 2023

Bookings re-open 15th February 2024 ~ 0478 580 079 or  Email


A selection of articles. For a full list click on any page and look in the right hand side menu.

The Joker in Heaven

A Visit from the 'Joker' in Heaven ….Cheryl Rae From early this year I set a clear intention that...
Read More "The Joker in Heaven"

How Animals Guide & Heal Us

How Animals Guide & Heal Us ….Cheryl Rae Animals ‘sensing’ Illness Many years ago, a man and his dog...
Read More "How Animals Guide & Heal Us"

Channelled Message Reading Tarot Intuitively

Spirit Communication for Tarot Course Participants   Yes dear one, The path of intuitively reading the cards goes against...
Read More "Channelled Message Reading Tarot Intuitively"

How to Read the Tarot

‘The Tarot need not imply that our fate is bound to overtake us, but rather it indicates how we...
Read More "How to Read the Tarot"

Awakening the Sixth Sense

My journey can be anyone’s journey – Cheryl Rae 2008 Born in 1959 into an entrepreneurial motor racing family...
Read More "Awakening the Sixth Sense"

Cheryl Rae

2009 Psychic of the Year (S.A.)
Professional Member Australian and International Psychics Association

 Has appeared on 5AA, ABC 89.1 Peter Goers, and 102.3FM morning show

Founding Director Adelaide Mystery School

A skilled and experienced Psychic, Medium and Teacher Cheryl has, for 27 years helped bring insight, understanding, meaning and inspiration to the many who seek her through Individual Readings, Development Groups and Teachings.

Cheryl honours and brings integrity to her own gifts and the broader industry through a lifetime of study, practice and learning. She graduated from the Metaphysical Studies Centre in 1993 and the original Adelaide Mystery School in 1997, as well certifying as a practitioner-teacher in several forms of Spiritual Healing.

She has previously worked/volunteered in organizations such as COPE, Chisholm Place Women’s Shelter, Family and Community Services, Lifeline and Mary Potter Hospice

In addition to her own consultancy, she both managed and consulted on professional Psychic Lines and Crystal Wave New Age Centre and has given readings at Expos, Psychic evenings and the Spiritualist Church over decades.

She is a great believer, and example, that psychic and mediumship abilities are no more or less than an aspect of awareness and sensitivity which can be developed through different techniques. Through her courses she has helped many on their journey of awakening.  To read her own story ‘Awakening the Sixth sense’ click here: .

Her humility, down to earth approach and genuine desire to bring light to assist others on their path are highly treasured by all who work with her.  .

Cheryl lives in Adelaide South Australia with her/foster cats, surrounded by loved ones in both the physical and spirit realms.  She has a special interest in Dreams and Dream States and continues to offer individual ‘Mediumship Readings’ at her in house consultancy.  Her own website is

In 2009 after 16 years seeing clients and teaching she was awarded ‘Psychic of the Year’ and founded the Adelaide Mystery School bringing together experienced teachers of high calibre and expanding her own courses on the Tarot, Psychic Development, Mediumship, Meditation and Dreams and Symbols.

Over the decades Mediumship, connecting with clients loved ones in spirit, naturally came more and more into readings and then teachings.

In 2012 she attended a 5 day residential Mediumship training seminar with Helen Da Vita, then in 2014 with Colin Bates, both highly skilled and experienced senior tutors from Internationally renowned Arthur Findlay College in the UK.  These intense  seminars validated and expanded my own, were rich in so many new ways, and facilitated leaps in my development.

As well as the amazing energy that is created by being immersed in so much spirit work in a residential setting, it was truly wonderful meeting and working with fabulous teachers and so many students all dedicated to spirit.

In 2013 & 2014 Adelaide Mystery School hosted two fabulous ‘Mediumship’ seminars with Rev Dianne Parker, and in 2015 ‘Trance Healing’ with International renowned Medium/tutor Helen Da Vita for my students and all who wished to grow and expand their skills.

Personally, these last four years since 2016,  have been a deep and profoundly transformative journey for me on all levels.  Now as I begin to re-emerge into the world, so too is a whole new ‘VISION’ in working with ‘SPIRIT’ and the Adelaide Mystery School.   

‘When we reach a new level of consciousness, a new world is created’ 

As 2020 progresses my new vision and courses will be unveiled here at the NEW Adelaide Mystery School

as predicted by the awesomely accurate Astrologer Alice Portman, when I first approached her in 2008 to be a part of the original!

Contact Us

Adelaide Mystery School is located in Mitchell Park, South Australia, Australia 5043


Mediumship/Psychic ~ Unavailable 2024 due Heart Failure from Covid

Updating availability information Here November 2024 

 To be advised when bookings open Register here >>

Phone: CHANGE OF PHONE NUMBER to 0478 570 079

Acknowledgement of Country

We at AMS would like to Acknowledge that the land we meet on is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their Country.   We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.  We wish to pay our deepest, heartfelt respects to Elders past and present.